HinSA initiates and directs projects and programs on the interface of society and agri-food. Our insight into social and political forces, markets and trends ensures high quality. We get really excited to move things towards action. We create new connections between companies, governments, researchers and social organisations. We develop action programs that are in line with the practices of agriculture and the food industry and link people in our network to them for a smooth and efficient implementation. In this way, we provide direction and achieve goals.
HinSA has experience with national and international projects alike. We have the ability to speak the language of farmers, policy makers and executive boards. Besides initiative and direction, our input to projects and programs consists of:
- Technical expertise: agriculture, food chains and sustainability
- Setting up networks: recruiting and training experts and setting up knowledge programs
- Quality Assurance: setting up and managing quality programs
- Communication: communication strategy, means of communication and press communications
- Governance: setting up organisations and developing (legal) structures
About us
Kees-Jaap Hin

+31-6-510 15 532 |
Kees-Jaap Hin founded HinSA in 2012. He studied Animal Sciences and Business Economics in Wageningen and Political Science in Leiden. Kees-Jaap has years of experience in the agri-food sector; he has knowledge of food chains and an excellent network in the sector. He is able to give a clear overview of complex issues with different agendas and interests, develop these into practical action programs and implement them in a result-oriented way.
Sancha Vergunst

+31-6-293 271 01 |
Sancia Vergunst has been working for HinSA since December 2021. She studied animal husbandry in Delft. Sancia is committed to grass and grazing in dairy farming. She coordinates and supports the activities of the Grazing Foundation (Stichting Weidegang). For example, she is the first point of contact for the Grazing Coaches and together with her colleagues she provides training for the Grazing Coaches. She is also responsible for the back office, including contact with dairy farmers and dairy companies, but also the management of the grazing certificates and licenses.
Our experience
Soy Coalition of European dairy companies
Many dairy companies in Europe are committed to the use of responsible soy meal and hulls in concentrated feed for dairy cows. Soy meal and hulls are typical bulk commodities that are imported with bulk carriers.
Commissioned by the Dutch Dairy Organisation and the Sustainable Trade Initiative, HinSA has laid the foundation for collaboration between market leaders in the dairy market from Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom, to share information and coordinate policies. This underpins market signals for responsible soy to the animal feed sector, the trade and soy growers.
Meadow milk
Meadow milk is milk from farms whose cows graze in the meadow for at least 120 days a year from spring until autumn, for a minimum of 6 hours a day. The Meadow Milk logo guarantees that dairy products are made from meadow milk. This milk is collected separately and processed into fresh dairy–such as (butter) milk, custard and yoghurt–and cheese. Stichting Weidegang guarantees the production process, transportation and processing of meadow milk.
In cooperation with chain parties, HinSA has developed an efficient and effective scheme for Stichting Weidegang to guarantee meadow dairy and to license the Meadow Milk logo. Additional conditions were implemented in 2016 to enable the scheme to be applied internationally. Meadow milk is now produced in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France and sold in some 16 European countries.
Nutrient Cycle Assessment (KringloopToets)
For sustainable agriculture and livestock farming, it is important to close the nutrient cycles. This requires measures regarding policies and practice. The Nutrient Cycle Assessment, developed in collaboration with Wageningen UR, provides insight into the expected consequences of measures. This helps to make the discussion between stakeholders more thorough and factual.
HinSA coordinated concept development for the Nutrient Cycle Assessment from a working group with the Province of Noord-Brabant, Nevedi, the Netherlands Society for Nature and Environment, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Brabant Environmental Federation and the RIVM. A partnership between these parties has been set up to carry out the assessment.
Setting the agenda for grass and grazing via the Grazing Foundation (Stichting Weidegang)
Stichting Weidegang supports dairy farmers with practical information to strengthen the management of grass and outdoor grazing. For this purpose, about 50 Grazing Coaches are affiliated with the foundation. The foundation is an initiative of FrieslandCampina. Currently, a broad representation of stakeholders – such as farmers’ representatives, animal protection agencies, nature conservationists, finance organisations and the ministry – is present in the board of the foundation.
HinSA is responsible for the daily management of the foundation. Together with knowledge institutes such as Wageningen UR and Veenweiden Innovation Centre, HinSA develops innovative concepts (such as Nieuw Nederlands Weiden, the FarmWalk, Automatic milking & Grazing and Nieuwe Weiders) and translates them into advice products used by the Grazing Coaches and other beneficiaries to advise dairy farmers. In addition, Grazing Coaches have held more than 1000 meetings with dairy farmers who are considering reintroducing grazing.
Digital measurement systems for grazing
The Sustainable Dairy Chain supports innovation by giving dairy farmers more room for a flexible interpretation of outdoor grazing. The condition is that the grazing duration of dairy cows is recorded digitally by these dairy farmers. Such registration systems were not yet available, however.
At the behest of the Sustainable Dairy Chain, HinSA has set up a project for which technology companies have developed measurement systems. In cooperation with TNO, HinSA has drawn up the requirements for the measuring systems and tested the systems. In addition, a data infrastructure has been set up within JoinData so that dairy farmers can share the registration of their measurement system with their dairy company. Systems from DeLaval, GEA, IoT Farm, Lely and VSM have been approved for use by dairy farmers.
Taskforce Careful Livestock Farming
At the behest of Martin Scholten of Wageningen UR, Kees-Jaap Hin has supervised a task force with researchers and professors from the research institutes and university where the concept of careful livestock farming has been developed. The concept was used in the Verbond van Den Bosch (Den Bosch Covenant) and the Alders Committee on mega-stalls. The concept was also included in the coalition agreement of the VVD-PvdA Cabinet.
Nieuwe Gracht 3
2011 NB Haarlem (NL)
Kees-Jaap Hin: +31-6- 510 15 532,
Sancia Vergunst: +31-6-293 27 101,